Saturday, September 11, 2010

Nostalgia and Another Trip to Northampton

The last time I was in the UK was in 2003 when my transit flight was delayed and I had to stay in the UK for 12 hours. I had wished I could stay longer. It finally came true when I was asked to travel to Northampton on work for a two week stay.

Understandbly, anxiety overshadowed excitement. I had a flight to catch early morning at 4.15 am.
Till the last minute, I was running with work related issues and shopping details. My dear friend came to drop me off at the airport. I was dog tired with the day' event and only hoped to nap on the flight. When I reached the airport, I realised how much I missed home and my familiar surroundings.
I spent my entire two hours at the airport chatting with AFJ, the only known soul to stay awake at ungodly hours. She was kind enough to keep me company till I got my boarding call. In between, so many folks called to wish me luck. I was surprised and happy.

My first stop over was at Dubai. It was a three and a half hour flight and another three hour lay over for my connecting flight to London. I had packed badly and had not considered how strict the rules had become. I had an excess baggage of 4 kg and no amount of coaxing the folks at the ticket counter helped. I rearranged quickly and had to endure a few hours of shoulder pain. I was exhausted at the end of all this.

I was praying that the week would disappear quickly and I can go home soon. But now, after two weeks of enjoying the streets of Northampton, its people, and culture, I would love to have stayed back here. It has been an unexpectedly fabulous journey and I have enjoyed every moment of it.
Right now, it back to packing, repacking, and unpacking!

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